And the point is if you make a New Year Resolution – focus.
So should an Christian deal
with a New Year Resolution? My thought, absolutely. Why not give your Christian
walk a little more pinpointed motivation?
Now, of course there are a
myriad of resolutions that a Christian could make – better church attendance,
more fellowship, healthier lifestyle – but one of the most important should be
Bible reading. And that centers on a good Bible Reading Plan. If you resolve to
read more of the Bible in 2014, a haphazard approach will not work. Find a plan
you like and focus on it everyday.
Here’s a few suggestions.
(BTW, if you do an internet search for “Bible Reading Plans,” you likely
receive 13 million hits.)
BibleStudyTools.com has a
list of 17 plans - http://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-reading-plan/
- all categorized and themed. Pick one and get busy.
Ligonier Ministries has a
similar list that includes PDF downloads. Go here http://www.ligonier.org/blog/bible-reading-plans/.
About.com Christianity has a
nice selection of plans, a couple of which are different from the usual - http://christianity.about.com/od/biblereadingplans/tp/topbiblereadpla.htm.
Look these over and if you
find one you like, get at it.
You can create your own. How?
Well, if you got by sixth grade math, figure this. There are 929 chapters in
the Old Testament and 260 in the New Testament for a total of 1189. With 365
days in the year 2014 that’s 3.25753424 chapters per day. How easy is that?
Let’s get to it. Our country
needs a little more Bible reading and a little less TV viewing.