Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Revival and the Second Coming

I have a friend who has an interesting theory concerning the Second Coming of Christ.

First, two side notes here.
1.    Yes, I know we’re not supposed to set dates concerning the Second Coming and you could throw a hundred Bible verses at me to prove it. Just look at all the great fun Christians had ridiculing Harold Camping when he tried to precisely calculate the date.

2.    By “Second Coming” I mean the Rapture. We can discuss the chronology of the end times at a later date.

But, let’s face it, it’s entertaining to speculate. So my friend’s theory postulates that the Second Coming will occur when Billy Graham goes to be with the Lord. It’s an interesting theory, but it’s pure speculation.

I, on the other hand, have a more pressing concern and, of course, a theory to go along with it. Well, it’s perhaps not a theory, but more of a prayer: it’s the spiritual well-being of the United States of America.

Unless you have had your head buried in the sand all the way to your shoulders, you realize that the spiritual and moral climate in our country is lower than Bill Nye’s view of creation. I believe we are at a spiritual turning point in the USA. Very soon the USA will come to a spiritual fork in the road.

And when will we arrive at that critical juncture …

When Billy Graham dies. According to my theory, when Dr. Graham goes to meet the Lord, America will reach a watershed moment in its spiritual health. The last great evangelist in the USA will have been taken home by the Lord. Where will that leave us? Well, with no one to stand as a beacon of light, darkness may well prevail on the land and then every man may do what he thinks is right in his own eyes.

Or will a new spiritual leader arise in the land? Better yet, how about if the Lord appoints a leader of the country with great moral and spiritual fortitude? Then we might have a repeat of what Israel experienced in 2 Chronicles 15:1–15.

Pray for that, brothers and sisters.

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