Wednesday, September 19, 2012

“Git ‘er dun,” SBCEC

My good friends from the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee (SBCEC) have been meeting this week. I guess if you have a committee, you have to meet occasionally. This meeting produced the following headline Tweet of the week – so far. It came from the Baptist Press - @baptistpress.
Frank Page, president of the SBCEC, said, “Git ‘er dun,” while exhorting Southern Baptists to heed the call of God to accomplish the Great Commission. (You can dig that out of your Bible here – Matthew 28.19-20) Well, he actually said, “Get it done,” but it has a better ring when translated into Larry the Cable Guy southern speak.
All that is quite commendable, however, when I visited the webpage to read the report - Baptist Press – I got a little concerned. You see, according to the report, there are apparently over 1,200 missionaries ready to go to the field but no money. Sounds like the milk bottle is clogged at the top to me.
So that got me to thinking. What if the Executive Committee didn’t all go to Nashville for a good old southern get together? You see, there are 83 representatives on the SBCEC (got that number from the website) and I would imagine that most are in Nashville for this meeting. That’s got to be expensive.
What if they all met via one of those fancy computer video conference thingys? Think how much money that would save. Perhaps that money could spring a couple of those missionaries from the milk bottle.
Just keeping my eye on Christianity.

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