Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How will the world end? - Book Review

What! Another book about the end times you ask? Well, “Yes” is the answer to that question. But before you accept any notion of not reading the book because of its lack of volume, let me put the summary of the book at the beginning. It’s short – 93 pages with six chapters; it’s fairly comprehensive on the basics of the end times; it’s a very quick and easy read; and will serve very well for a small group Bible study and surely open up a room of discussion.

The official title is How will the world end? And other questions about the last things and the second coming of Christ and the author is Jeramie Rinne. Rinne is the senior pastor at South Shore Baptist Church in the Boston area.

Renne answers the question presented in the title of the book in the very first chapter – How will the world end? Sorry, you’ll have to read the book to get the answer, but here’s a hint: With the dire conclusion comes a message of hope.

For ongoing interest Rinne has sprinkled throughout the book a number of “asides” that present discussions to questions to which everyone wants an answer: Who is the antichrist? Are we in the end times yet? Will there be a secret rapture? And – When is Jesus coming back?

Chapter four, Will Jesus come back before or after the “Millennium”?, is a well done discussion.  Rinne offers arguments for the two most prevalent answers – a pre- and post-millennial return. Within each of these two answers he debates the most common viewpoints. It includes four charts giving visual explanation to each viewpoint. It’s well worth the reading of the book for this discussion.

Whatever your view of the end times might be this book is worth the swift and trouble-free read. On the other hand you might want to take your time to research what Rinne has produced. Either way, it’s recommended for another assessment.

This book was provided by “thegoodbook company” for review.

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